One for You 19 for Me…

by vernsanders on April 15, 2011

This month I’ve decided to feature short (at least that’s the plan) bits of random information (most of which has been gleaned from my ongoing transfer of information from the old Creator site to the new one…)
Today’s topic: taxes (ugh!)
Today’s source: unknown
Today’s question: How do you handle money?


OK – tax season is here. Some of us are still reeling at what we had to pay…others are thanking God for refunds! In a recent survey of 2743 people, here are some thoughts given about spending and saving. Sound familiar?

67% feel anxious, guilty or out of control when they think about money

81% are responsible for the household bills. Only 9% consider themselves money savvy.

66% don’t think they earn what they are worth. Sound familiar?

64% get their tax forms in early

58% carry a credit card balance, though they are aware it’s like throwing cash on a fire!

11% describe themselves as “drowning in debt.”

28% won’t stoop to pick up a penny because it’s not worth the germs!

Food for thought…

Ipod shuffle status: 2906 (Ship of Fools – The Persuasions — singing Grateful Dead tunes…an outstanding album…)  of 7875

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