50 Interview Questions

by vernsanders on April 6, 2009

50 Suggested Questions for Ministers of Music and Worship Leaders Interviewing with a Prospective Church

Courtesy of Dr. Mike Simoneaux, Vice President for Academic Services, Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, Georgia

In the March/April 1999, issue of Creator, an original version of this article appeared. Mike has updated the 50 questions to fit today’s music ministry and we’re making it available here as our “list for the day,” and at the Creator Leadership Network page on facebook.

I have personally used Mike’s questions (at least some of them…and he cautions to not just pull out a piece of paper with the whole list while in the midst of an interview!), and found them to be really helpful. I have learned to preface asking the questions by saying something like the following:

“Is there anything else I can answer for you, because if not, I have a few questions I’d like to ask you as a committee [or pastor, or committee chair, or potential fellow staff member, etc.].”

Obviously, some of these questions are more “denominationally specific” than others. Feel free to modify/adjust depending upon your own specific situation. The questions are grouped by category for ease in reference.

The Call/Hire Procedure

1.  Is the MoM/WL* called by the church or hired by the pastor?
2.  How is the process of call/hire finalized? Does the church vote to call the new person, or is it a pastor decision?
3.  Is there a written contract in the call/hire procedure?
4.  To whom is the MoM/WL directly responsible?
5.  Will the MoM/WL have direct access to the pastor?
6. What are the other ministerial staff positions? Does the person have a full-time, part-time or pool secretary? Is there a weekly staff meeting for calendar, details, and planning?


7.  Would you describe the music program, its components, and level of participation by the church family?
8.  Has there been a change in the level of music participation in the last five years—negative or positive?  Reasons?
9.  Describe as accurately as you can the keyboard ability of the accompanist(s). Are they compensated?
10. Is there a current worship style for the service(s)? Does the music leader conduct the congregational singing?
11. Does the worship style accurately reflect the nature of the congregation?
12. If not, is change desired and does the congregation desire to change, or is the pastor encouraging the change?
13. Is there a procedure in place for any changes that would not injure the fellowship of the church?
14. Is there a worship planning team functioning, and does the pastor ever meet with the team?
15. Does the pastor choose or have influence in the selection of hymns/choruses?
16. How many worship services are there, and is there a difference in styles?
17. Does the church have or plan to have worship services on days other than Sunday morning?
18. What are the specific responsibilities of the MoM/WL for the worship services? Does this position plan, lead and manage a praise team of singers and/or band?
19. Would the staff person have the freedom to experiment and is any failure an option?
20. Does the church utilize screens to project announcements/words. Does the church use a hymnal in worship?  If so, which hymnal?
21. Describe the traditions of the church music program, if any, such as A Living Christmas Tree?
22. What is the personality of the church?
23. What are the “potholes” one can avoid?
24. What instruments, besides piano/organ are used in worship? Are instrumentalists compensated?
25. Are there non-music duties that accompany this position?
26. Are there responsibilities for committee leadership?  If so, what committees?
27. Who is responsible for the sound system and other technological operations? Is the system up-to-date, average, or below average?
28. What is the expectation by the church as it relates to large production-type presentations such as Christmas, Easter and other special events?
29. Are there functioning choir/orchestra officers and/or worship team leaders?
30. Is there a music committee and/or a music advisory committee?
31. What are the expectations for the staff spouse?
32. Is there a weekly church newsletter and/or choir paper?
33. Is there an annual staff conference or evaluation?
34. If so, who carries out the evaluation and what is the evaluation instrument?
35. Is there a written job description for this position and if so, is a copy available?
36. What is the budget for the music ministry? Is this budget negotiable for the immediate future?

Compensation/Benefit Issues

37. Is the church budget available for viewing? Is a credit card made available to staff for church use?
38. Is there, at this time, a suggested salary/benefits package?
39. Is there a written letter of agreement stating the full compensation package?
40. How is Social Security deducted? If the church pays SS, is that amount added to the taxable salary?
41. Does the church match staff retirement contributions? If so, what percentage?
42. Are there other benefits?
43. How many vacation days?
43. Is staff encouraged to take a day off regularly? Are there specific or varied office hours?
44. Are there professional development funds available in the music budget?
45. If so, how many workshops may staff members attend?
46. What is the policy for this position regarding revivals, funerals, and weddings?


47. What is the computer technology used in the music office and does the church use a Windows or Mac platform?
48. Does the church have wireless Internet connection in the office area?
49. Is the pastor and other staff technologically literate?


50. What would you like to tell me about the church, this position, the possibilities for growth in the music ministry, or other matters that would help make a thoughtful and beneficial decision?

MoM: Minister of Music     WL: Worship Leader

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I am just A Lamb of God August 21, 2010 at 3:58 pm

(I was hoping to find his e-m, so as not to embarrass him)

There are 51 questions (you’ve got 2 # 43s) Uvw! Shout to the Lord ~ WHAT a worship song!

Be blest!

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