Get Your Empire Building Kit Here…

by vernsanders on May 18, 2010

One of the writers that I follow regularly is Chris Gillebeau, who writes the wonderful blog The Art of Nonconformity. There, Chris blogs on travel and “lifestyle business” which he defines as:

a business oriented around something you love, with less than three employees and net income of at least $50,000 a year

I’ve purchased some of Chris’ products (and so has my daughter) and I (and she) believe that they are very worthwhile if you are interested in the topics. Starting when this blog post goes live (9am pacific), and for 24 hours only, Chris is releasing a brand new product, which he calls the Empire Building Kit. What is an EBK? Here’s Chris again:

The EBK deconstructs the process of building a successful lifestyle business — something I define as a small business with one or two employees, built around something the business owner loves to do. The “successful” part is critical, so I cast a wide net and looked at businesses that earn between $50,000 and $150,000 a year in net income. Using the case study model and a series of 365 specific steps, the goal of the Empire Building Kit is to help someone become their own emperor by doing one thing every day for a year. The case studies (in PDF, video, audio, and transcript format) are the best part of the project. They include a woman who makes $105,000 a year by walking dogs, a guy who hosts murder mystery parties, a fitness coach, several artists and freelancers, someone who exported an entire new industry to Germany — just to name a few.

Because his products have helped me, I’ve agreed to help Chris let people know about his new EBK. If you are interested, just click on the graphic below. Happy Empire Building!

Empire Building Kit


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May 18, 2010 at 9:12 am

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