I love teaching…

by vernsanders on April 9, 2010

Yesterday I had the pleasure of teaching two classes at MusiCalifornia. The class on “How to improve the sound of your choir in 30 minutes” was packed, as you might imagine, because everybody comes to these kinds of conferences looking for a “magic bullet” that will help them be better at what they do. I love it when people “get” what I’m trying to explain…as a teacher that’s the best reward. You can tell when it is happening…people are engaged, some are writing furiously, and there’s a lot of head nodding.

The other class “Facebook is the new Guitar” only had the title listed in the program, not the content, and yet I had a good sized group who wanted to learn about how social media can help create and develop community for a ministry or church. Same deal, but a lot more questions, since this is a topic that a lot of people are struggling to understand.

For those who were in the class, here’s another link to the wonderful EBook Understanding the Millenial Mind.

Next week, at the National Church Music Conference I’ll be speaking on The Traditional Choir Director Meets the Worship Band for the First Time. Should be interesting. If you’re in the neighborhood…drop on by!

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