Seven Hints for Getting Ahead In Your Calling

by vernsanders on August 9, 2011

Today’s post is courtesy of Bob Burroughs, who wrote the following for Monday Morning Email in 2010:

Seven Hints for Getting Ahead In Your Calling

1.   Learn to use obstacles to your advantage. Take every opportunity to overcome and grow from the experience.

2.    Stay true to your calling. What led you to where you are today? What will it take to stay on course with the vision and call God has given you?

3.  Create your own opportunities. Don’t get in the habit of “sitting and soaking.” Study. Refresh your skills. Look for ways to improve your calling.

4.  Think big. Many church and school musicians think small. “I couldn’t ever do that because….” You CAN do whatever you set your mind to do. Just…do it.

5.  Find your own solutions. Many times, it is up to you to work out situations. Do it with class and integrity.

6.  Treat your staff team as a resource. Lean on others for help and assistance. You can’t do it all yourself and you should not try!

7.  Challenge the status quo! If you don’t, who will? A German proverb says: “When you stop, you rust.” Don’t find yourself “rusting” on the very job God called you to do. Look for ways to rough up the status quo.

I think these are great tips for “staying fresh” in ministry. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Ipod shuffle status: 3094 (Elijah Rock – Moses Hogan Chorale)  of 7875

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