17 things I’ve learned that make my life more productive

by vernsanders on June 17, 2011

  • Smart phones allow me to do a significant part of my workload without being tied to my computer
  • A daily “productivity” schedule works for me by making sure that all the projects I have are attended to on a regular basis
  • Object oriented software templates allow me to not have to be a code wizard to do things like design websites
  • The best way to be more productive as a leader is to let people who know more about something than you, do that job so you don’t have to
  • Flexibility and the ability to react quickly is generally more useful than rigidity when it comes to an opportunity that is presented to me
  • Saying “no” to some things is an absolute necessity or I will be paralyzed by too many good opportunities
  • Adding a single question (“Is there anything I should be asking/doing/understanding that I haven’t?”) to the end of any conversation saves me from missing out on things or doing something stupid
  • Even if you know you have the best idea amongst a group of people it is often better to “speak last” rather than first in a meeting
  • Arriving with a written proposal for a solution is the best way to make a meeting more productive in solving a problem about which there has been or will be considerable discussion
  • There is a time to stop reading about what you want to do and start doing it…right or wrong something actually gets done and you learn about what you need to do in a way that is specific rather than generic
  • Making the process of cleaning my desk the last item in a project schedule ensures that I am more productive on my next project
  • If you are not casting the vision, you will be working on somebody else’s vision
  • People tend to be either employees or entrepreneurs, and when you figure that out, giving them tasks that suit their work preference will make everybody happier
  • Some times it is better to tell stories…and sometimes it is better to give orders
  • Until you earn people’s trust by showing them you contribute value to things that matter to them, it is difficult to change any corporate culture
  • Most people like to do what they like, and if you do well something they don’t like, they perceive value in working together
  • There will always be people who do what you do better than you do: learn from them; there will always be people who do what you do worse than you: teach them

Any of these resonate with you? Any about which you violently disagree? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Ipod shuffle status: 3046 (Lil’ Darlin’ – Count Basie and Lionel Hampton)  of 7875

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